Rescue Me! Beagle Beagle Blog

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1,348,951 animals have been adopted on Rescue Me!

Letters below were sent to founder Jeff Gold from people helped by Rescue Me!

Sender: Meriah Chamberlain     Date: September 9, 2018 _
     We connected with a wonderful family with a perfect situation for Barney to thrive in. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Beagle Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Denise Brault     Date: September 4, 2018 _
     Grover found the most loving fur-ever home! Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Susan Matte     Date: July 23, 2018 _
     Annabelle is in a new home with two playmates! Thanks, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Beagle Rescue

Sender: Stephanie Sanders     Date: July 20, 2018 _
     Our beagle, Daisy Mae, was adopted by a sweet lady that will be a fabulous for furbaby Mama. Thank you Rescue Me for spreading the word!

Sender: Cortney Mcmoran     Date: May 17, 2018 _
     Just two days after posting a Raleigh's profile on Rescue Me, she was adopted by very sweet couple who recently had a female puggle pass away. They were specifically looking for an older puggle to adopt and have not had success through puggle specific rescues. They are familiar with puggle behavior and looking forward to the cuddles and spoiling Raleigh. Raleigh is going to an ideal home!

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Sender: Darrell Williams     Date: May 9, 2018 _
     He was adopted by a fine man who loves him very much. Thanks, Rescue Me!

Sender: Denise Brault     Date: May 2, 2018 _
     YAY! Hunter found his way into a warm and loving home, where he will enjoy lots of snuggling and all of life's adventures with his people. No longer living in a barn, waiting for someone to take notice and appreciate ALL that Hunter is. Thank you, Frabrizio family, for choosing to adopt a rescued pup in need of respect and love. Yay for Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Beagle Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Kendel Cobb     Date: April 19, 2018 _
     I found a home for my sibling pair on the other side other side of the state. They will be going to their new home in one month. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Paula Sills     Date: April 17, 2018 _
     Hambone was adopted by a great family. His new name is He is living the farmlife. Donkeys are his new best friends. Thanks, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Beagle Rescue

Sender: Vicki Bondoc     Date: April 4, 2018 _
     I am so excited to meet Nan! I saw her face and instantly fell in love with her! We will be picking her up this Saturday, and I am just so happy to give her a forever home. We plan on taking her to a surgeon to see if they can repair her leg for her. She is still young, and I want her to be able to run and play! Thank you Rescue Me for helping me find this beautiful girl!

Sender: Linda Fifer     Date: April 4, 2018 _
     Scutter's new home will be about three hours north and east from where we live. A wonderful man named Gary and his wife will take Scutter once Gary is healed from recent surgery and can make the trip to our home to meet up with Scutter. He has five acres for her to run---the very lifestyle she will enjoy for the rest of her life. He also is near a river and plans to take her on his boat; he even has a life preserver for her to enjoy a day of fishing. Scutter can run until she needs to take a rest, can learn to swim, and enjoy the active life she deserves. Since Gary is retired, he will be with Scutter all day long to give her the attention she craves. He has no other agenda than to spend time with her and spoil her. We are grateful for Rescue Me to make the connection to Gary for us. I knew that if we returned Scutter to the Humane society, her undesirable behaviors would persist or amplify because of her need for attention. She could very well have become a 'trouble dog' that could not be placed. Because of Rescue Me, Scutter never had to leave our home, got good training and care while she stayed with us this past year. I think of our time with Scutter as a prolonged foster placement to prepare her for her new and wonderful life. Thank you, Rescue Me, for giving us a chance to keep Scutter happy while she waits for her new life.

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Sender: David Brown     Date: March 30, 2018 _
     I had great luck with Rescue Me! I was able to find a very loving home with a six year old boy who fell in love with the Beagle. I hope everyone has as much success in finding homes and adopting. Thanks for everything.

Sender: Kelly Butler     Date: March 28, 2018 _
     'Thank you Rescue Me!' Due to circumstances beyond my control, I had to put the love of my life up for adoption. Feeling very unsure about putting her out in a very scary world, I found this site and thought I'd give it a try. I received two phone calls. I did have to turn down the one, (I didn't feel it would be a proper fit for my Lady) The second person is now the love of my life's 'Forever Home'. They are perfect for each other and fortunate for me, only an hour away. I am aloud to visit, if i choose to, and they will keep in touch with me via email and send me updated pics. I would definitely use 'Rescue Me' again if I ever needed to and will definitely refer them.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Beagle Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Brandy Benner     Date: January 27, 2018 _
     I adopted this beautiful little girl from Heritage Farm. The lady was amazing and had answers and all vet records for her. If I ever decide to add another member to our family I will be using Rescue Me!!

Sender: Sheryl Lashway     Date: January 23, 2018 _
     My name is Bailey! I live on the coast now with my new family who also includes my dad, sister and niece. I also have two new fur siblings, a fur brother and sister. I love walking with my mom every morning and treats when I've been good, which I am! My new mom and dad are working with me on my separation anxiety but I haven't been left alone yet! I am a happy girl in my forever home! Thanks, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Beagle Rescue

Sender: Janet Musgrove     Date: January 22, 2018 _
     Sadie and Copper found the best of all homes for two sisters! An open adoption, that's what we are calling it, their new Mom and Dad live on 20 acres about 40 minutes from our home, they will be loved and cared for the rest of their lives and we are going to be able to visit. What a joy to find genuine people who love animals on this site, we have been to each others homes, visited with each other and I am sure will become friends. Thank you S and J for your love! We appreciate you so much, Rescue Me!

Sender: Michael Phipps     Date: January 7, 2018 _
     Honey was successfully adopted by an old Vietnam War veteran. They both instantly connected and I am very happy for both of them. Thank you, Rescue Me!

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Sender: Tori Ritzman     Date: December 31, 2017 _
     A loving family from Florida was willing to keep both my dogs together and offer them love and attention. Thank you, Rescue Me, for helping me find a family I could trust.

Sender: Isabella Santoro     Date: December 28, 2017 _
     Basil has found a beautiful home nearby with owners who are very understanding of hound dogs and are going to become great beagle parents! Thank you, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Beagle Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Tina Fillmer     Date: November 14, 2017 _
     Hello. My sweet beagle, Jasper, was rescued by one of the most incredible women I've ever met. Her name is Dianne, and she founded the non-profit organization 'The Hounds of Peaceful Place Senior Hound Rescue and Sanctuary' which is located in Chesnee, SC. You can find her easily on Facebook. She is currently the caretaker of 50 dogs and has committed her entire life in taking care of them. I am thankful to have met this kind woman. If you're ever in the area, it's worth a field trip to see her humble facility that was designed by her and all her animals. Thank you for Rescue Me! -Tina

Sender: Laura Moser     Date: November 5, 2017 _
     Coconut found a wonderful new home, we are so very happy! Thank you, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Beagle Rescue

Sender: Denise Brault     Date: October 22, 2017 _
     Trixie was adopted by a loving family with a large fenced-in yard and a nine year old Beagle boy named Bentley to keep her company. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Sara Rose     Date: October 19, 2017 _
     This website and Jeff Gold are angels. Never in my wildest imagination did I expect to find such a loving home for my little furry one. Tell everyone you know about Rescue Me! Do your homework. Vet everyone who contacts you. But just know at the end of the day, there are beautiful loving people and families looking to adopt your pet. We are SO blessed and thankful to this wonderful family, whom we'd have never met without Jeff Gold and his website. Thank you!

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Sender: Dale Murray     Date: October 17, 2017 _
     We found a Beagle on a back road who was covered in fleas and had sores all over him. Took him home cleaned him up and got rid of the fleas but my wife and I could not afford the vet bills. We put him on Rescue Me, and within two days he had a new, loving home and people who were thrilled to have him.

Sender: Morgan Sills     Date: October 11, 2017 _
     Beau was adopted by an extremely loving family. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Beagle Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Lorraine Dover     Date: September 26, 2017 _
     I needed to put our dog up for adoption due to a recent health change in our family. I found Rescue Me and posted my information on her. Kairi is a wonderful dog and deserved a family that was home more often and had the time to spend with her. We were sad to part with her, but happy that she found the perfect home. She will be spending her days with a little six year old that she already loves dearly. The family sends us updates on her progress and shown how well she is doing. Kairi really looks happy and we couldn't be happier for her. Thank you so much to this loving family that said she is a good fit. And thank you Rescue Me for a wonderful service.

Sender: Denise Brault     Date: August 21, 2017 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me and the Mattina family for opening your hearts, arms and home to Miss Betty Boop. I am thrilled to say that she is now an integral part of their family pack and no longer fears being abandoned, ever again. Live long, play hard and know you are LOVED, Miss Betty! Stay at home mom (ex vet tech) will see to it that you are never alone, scared nor fearful... she has the time, experience and loves Betty being part of their pack.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Beagle Rescue

Sender: Chuck Pearson     Date: August 20, 2017 _
     We picked our new family member two days ago! We couldn't be more happy with him and the adoption process! Thank you for what you do, Rescue Me!

Sender: Kindal Burke Brewer     Date: August 5, 2017 _
     Izzy had been a loyal family member for a couple for about even months when they decided they didn't want her and were going to abandon her in the country. We kept that from happening and started looking for her forever family. I am thrilled to share that our beautiful girl, Izzy Izzleton, went home with her forever family because of Rescue Me! It was very hard to let her go! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for giving dogs like Izzy a chance.

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Sender: Tony Livingston     Date: July 2, 2017 _
     Cooper was adopted over the weekend by a sweet, sweet lady. He has a new Momma, Ms. Marcia. It sounds like he will loved, cuddled and spoiled so much. We are blessed, the Lord had a hand in this adoption. Ms. Marcia needed a new Beagle to love and Cooper needed a new home without little seniors to dominate and be aggressive toward. Still very hard to give up this sweet boy (most of the time), but glad he has found a wonderful new, furever home of love! Thank you so much for your help in this adoption, Rescue Me!

Sender: Jon Boyle     Date: June 3, 2017 _
     After posting Charley, we were over run by emails from people who loved his picture and description and wanted to see more. However, by posting him on Rescue Me this allowed us the opportunity to research and find the right home for Charley. I am happy to say that he was adopted by an older man who was a retired veteran living in an area where he would have a huge yard to run and play, walks daily, going on road trips and grandkids to play with. Charley was dumped off. He made his way to our house starving skin and bones. We immediately took him to our local vet to see what could be done to save his life. Three weeks later, he was allowed to come home but still had a ways to go before he was fit to leave us and go to a new home. After about five months, his weight was back up and was once again healthy and full of life. We saw him recently and he was happy to see us again and couldn't get enough pets, hugs and kisses. He now has a new start in life and it could have never happened without the help of Rescue Me. Thank you!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Beagle Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Terence Kelly     Date: May 22, 2017 _
     We found Duke, a beautiful beagle, abandoned near a nursing home, laying on the ground. We took him back home and got him checked out and cleaned up. Gave him plenty of affection, food, and within just a few days he was doing pretty good. We knew we couldn't keep him long term (three cats, smaller home, work schedules) so we started looking for adoption resources and found the Rescue Me site. Very easy to use, and I was quite happy that within two or three days, we received three legitimate adoption inquiries. The last turned out to be a wonderful retired couple that had just recently lost a beloved beagle, and wanted to open their home to another, as well as to give their other dog a new buddy. After several phone and text conversations, and much picture sharing, we arranged a meeting with Duke. Of course, because Duke is a wonderful dog, there was no doubt and now he has a great forever home, with a new dog friend and a nice big yard to run in. I don't think it could have turned out much better for Duke than it did. So kudos to Rescue Me!

Sender: Jan Morrow     Date: May 20, 2017 _
     A wonderful family in central Alabama reached out to us after seeing The Snoop Sisters on Rescue Me. We communicated several times on the phone. After a couple of weeks of communications, we met for them to meet the girls. It was Beagle Love At First Sight! Jasmine and Belle love their forever home and we're invited to visit them any time we're in their area. We can't thank you enough for allowing us to post the girls. The story of our search for the right family for The Snoop Sisters had had a very happy ending!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Beagle Rescue

Sender: Angela Smith     Date: May 7, 2017 _
     This was the most exciting day of my life. I didn't sleep a wink the night before because I wanted to get 'Roo' right away. She is the sweetest, cutest adorable little girl I have ever seen! Ann, the lady I dealt with was also wonderful, I wish I could adopt them all! Thanks to everyone involved for bringing me this joy to my life! Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Patrickp Ferguson     Date: April 17, 2017 _
     Hello! This is Puddin' writing to let you know that I found my forever home in just one day. I am excited to be moving to another state to be a companion for a couple who are just like me, a little older in age but otherwise in pretty good shape. Thank you Rescue Me for helping my foster family tell the world all about me!

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Sender: Rhiannon Mccarthy     Date: April 17, 2017 _
     Our beagle, Charlie, found a very loving woman who could give her unfortunately what we could not thanks to this site, which I will always be grateful for. I honestly was afraid we would not be able to find the correct home for her due to the issues she had. We had actually rescued her off of craigslist in the paper and we had all the intentions of being her forever home. So even despite the work we had done with her (she had no training whatsoever when we got her at one and a half years old) it still did not work out for us. We had to make one of the hardest decisions we ever had to make and that was to find her another home. I tried at first to go through the Humane Society because I didn't know about Rescue Me. This site was very easy to use and I loved the fact that we could hand pick Charlie the best possible home, which we could not have done through the Humane Society. I could not be happier about Charlie's new owner thanks to this website! Thank you for all you do for all the beagle's out there and I hope many, many more find great, loving and forever homes like our Charlie did!

Sender: Carol French     Date: January 27, 2017 _
     A nice lady adopted Daisy. Daisy found a nice home in the mountains. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Beagle Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Tammy Wright     Date: January 26, 2017 _
     I posted my Beagle on Rescue Me on Tuesday and he was adopted on Thursday. It was super easy to set up the profile and post information. My dog and had responses very quickly. I was sad to see him go, but it was necessary for my child's health issues. The gentleman that adopted him and he is going to be a wonderful home for our dog.

Sender: Elizabeth Brown     Date: January 22, 2017 _
     Finley was adopted only a few days after posting him on Rescue Me! He was adopted by a Beagle lover and now has a sister Beagle. We are so blessed by Rescue Me and Finley's new mommy.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Beagle Rescue

Sender: Beverly Guessford     Date: January 9, 2017 _
     This sweet little beagle pup was rescued by some great people. They called me a week ago and asked if she was still available and I said yes. They drove almost two hours to come see her, and 'Lady' went right to them. They took her home and they have been sending me pics and videos of how well she is doing. He told me his wife absolutely loves her. I'm so happy that this couple is happy with her and she seems happy with her new family. I have never used Rescue Me before, but would definitely recommend it to anyone who asks.

Sender: Lisa Price     Date: January 7, 2017 _
     My husband, Tim, and I had been wanting another dog. I wasn't sure what kind, but then I started off making a list of practical issues we required in our next furbaby. Number one a small dog but not too tiny, around 20-30 pounds. No going to the groomers, I know how to bathe, clip nails and clean ears. Must get along with cats. I looked at my local pound sites, nothing. Then it occurred to me, another Beagle!! We loved our first dog together! Something told me to google Beagle Rescues, I found this site! I saw a Beagle named Luke, who was about two years old. I submitted my request. His owner got back to me, we had several emails daily answering my questions. Finally, I just sent her a list of references. We picked our 'Lukie' up! He had lived with cats before, my cats were not all hissing, this is gonna work!! He has settled right in, we love him so much! He chose my husband as 'his' person. He gets walks daily, playtime, lots of loving!! He plays with our cats! One happy pack family!! Thank you, Rescue Me!!

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Sender: Nancy Giesen     Date: January 3, 2017 _
     We just brought Bootsie home and we are totally in love with her. Her wonderful foster parents arranged transportation for her and she arrived safe and happy. She has been well cared for so the transition into our home was simple. We have a seven year old rescue beagle that was thrilled to have a sister. Thank you Rescue Me and Tammy Whitney for making this possible.

Sender: Sharon Holt     Date: December 26, 2016 _
     Sammy got adopted by a wonderful family thanks to Rescue Me! He now has a Beagle brother named Bowzer and a human brother named Cade. Live long and prosper Sammy! We will miss you! Thanks to Rescue Me for all your help!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Beagle Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Christene Hultgren     Date: November 21, 2016 _
     Thanks to the post on Rescue Me, we adopted Sander. He is now in a loving home. We are so happy to have him as part of our family. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Kat Phillips     Date: October 13, 2016 _
     We found a fabulous forever home for our dog, Pygmy. Rescue Me helped match her with the perfect child-free home for her personality. While we are extremely sad to see our beloved family member go, she has already become a fixture with her new family.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Beagle Rescue

Sender: Charles Clemens     Date: September 18, 2016 _
     I picked up my new best friend two days ago. She is a beautiful Beagle, and has already made the transition to living in the mountains. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Colleen Schmidt     Date: September 16, 2016 _
     We have struggled with the decision to find a new home for our three year old Beagle, Cooper. We got him at 11 weeks and he has been a great family dog, but as our family has grown and changed. A beagle was no longer the right breed for our family. Within 48 hours of posting Cooper on Rescue Me, we received an inquiry from a man who had lost one of his two beagles a few months ago and had been searching ever since for the right dog to be a companion for himself and his other beagle. We scheduled a meet and greet and Cooper and Cocoa hit it off immediately. Now Cooper has a new daddy and sister in his forever home, and I'm so happy that I don't have to worry about him not being loved as much as we love him! Thank you Rescue Me! You have truely been a God send and answer to my prayers!

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Sender: Johnnie Ramsey     Date: September 1, 2016 _
     I have wanted a Puggle for some time. I drive to pick up Elroy on Sunday morning. He will be loved and well taken care of. Thank you, Rescue Me, for helping me find him.

Sender: Lisa O'hara     Date: August 27, 2016 _
     I am so very happy for Rusty! He has found his forever home with a very loving couple. He now has 650 acres to explore, and will love the freedom this gives him. Thank you, Rescue Me, for your site which can touch so many hearts who are wishing to adopt.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Beagle Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Erin Morgan     Date: August 26, 2016 _
     Thanks to Rescue Me, my lovable Beagle, Buddy, found a new loving home. We loved Buddy dearly, but because my husband is relocating with his job we had to find Buddy a new home. We are very blessed to have gotten a call from a very loving woman who was willing to take Buddy as her own and love him. I feel very lucky knowing in my heart Buddy will be very well taken care of. Thanks to the family who adopted him and to Rescue Me for our success story. Every animal deserves a loving home and Buddy found one.

Sender: Janice Hsrc     Date: August 25, 2016 _
     My family and I found Roxie on Resume Me, and we thought she would be a good fit for our family. As it turns out, she has been a GREAT fit! She's a wonderful, sweet girl. She's already a part of our family, even though it's only been a little less than two months. We are thankful for her foster mom, Janice, and the people at the Humane Society, who took such good care of her before we gave her a forever home! Thank you, Rescue Me, for bringing us together!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Beagle Rescue

Sender: Melissa George     Date: August 19, 2016 _
     Thanks to Rescue Me, we found a wonderful home for our foster beagle.

Sender: Susanna Andersen     Date: August 9, 2016 _
     My sweet Annie the Beagle has found a wonderful retirement home, thanks to Rescue Me, Mike and Wanda. I could not have given her to just anyone. I know you love her as much as I do!

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Sender: Adele Rasel     Date: July 20, 2016 _
     I adopted DeeDee last week. Rosy at Wetzel County Animal Shelter was great to work with. DeeDee fits in great with my other two rescued beagles. Thank you, Rescue Me.

Sender: J Borden     Date: July 7, 2016 _
     Louie was adopted by a very nice family. They sent me a picture of him with his new 'dad' and he looked very content. We had two inquiries on Sarge, but if they don't work out, we may keep him. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Beagle Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Tracey Cliff     Date: June 17, 2016 _
     Rescue Me totally helped Anna find the most wonderful home possible! That poor girl had been shot four times, had multiple surgeries and was being bounced back and forth a few times with the wrong homes, I was to the point of pulling her off and keeping her myself when a wonderful couple contacted me through this site! Needless to say she was exactly what their looking for and it's been a happy ever after for all! This truly is the best site I've ever used to home my fosters and I've had nothing but positive experience here!

Sender: Dee Griffin     Date: May 21, 2016 _
     Within a week on Rescue Me, Lucy found a new family that loves her very much.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Beagle Rescue

Sender: Sharon Lee     Date: May 15, 2016 _
     My love for Beagles is a strong one. I grew up with nothing but a Beagles. I received a male chocolate-tri last year from a breeder and wanted to rescue one as well so I could have my pair back. They had this sweet little foxhound was set to be killed, but once I got the Mother's Day email and saw her I knew she was mine. They had her listed as a three year old beagle-hound. Turns out she is 100% Fox Hound, maybe 11-15 months old. They were about to kill a baby foxhound, unbelievable. I immediately filled out my paperwork and secured her from getting killed. Some folks quickly called me and I let them know I wanted her. I really appreciate all the fantastic people that work so hard to save these pets. I cannot thank my crew enough for getting her free, to the vet. They are so fantastic that they even found a transport for her. GOD bless everyone for what they have done and are working on and future work. I named my baby foxhound, Victoria, which is fitting because she's English, and we were 'victorious' in saving her. She, Jesse and Skinny (my rescued yellow Lab) are running the household now. Victoria is very smart, she already can sit and shake. Of course, it's a bit hard for her because she's just learning, but she's a great pup, and we are so happy to add her to the family. Thank you for all you do and thank you for our sweet Victoria!

Sender: Marlianne Midyette     Date: May 14, 2016 _
     Klover is adopted! Her mama, March, was adopted today, and her two brothers are in 'Foster to Adopt'. Klovers' pup, Ides, was adopted too. All of the dogs lived in a small trailer until their people died. We were so lucky to get five of the twenty-four dogs. Thank you, Rescue Me.

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Sender: P&J Animal Aide Inc Hjornhede     Date: April 20, 2016 _
     Thank you for another great adoption, Rescue Me. I have a small non-profit and, thanks to you, we have another forever home adoption for Axel.

Sender: Trina Sauber     Date: April 3, 2016 _
     I want to thank Rescue Me for offering this very easy and simple process for finding new 'parent's for our little dog. Your advice about selecting a new owner was very helpful, and we have found the people using this site very reputable. Star is now having the time of her life with someone who spends pretty much every waking hour with her. Again, thank you.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Beagle Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Joan Grooms     Date: March 28, 2016 _
     My husband and I recently drove to meet Mae, a five year old beagle in foster care. The foster Mom and the representative of PAWWS answered all our questions, sent us pictures and Judy of PAWWS made arrangements for us to meet Mae. We were immediately in love! The process was so easy from finding her on the Rescue Me to making contact with the group that were taking care of Mae. I have been looking at 'adoptable' rescue beagles for a couple of months now. I am thankful for Rescue Me for making this service available! Our family has a new member, Maggie Mae, and we are so thankful and so excited to have her!

Sender: Melanie Stack     Date: March 23, 2016 _
     I recently lost my beagle to cancer and my other dog was really missing her friend. I knew I wanted another beagle and wanted to adopt or rescue one in need. I found Diamond thanks to Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Beagle Rescue

Sender: Jennifer Andrews     Date: March 5, 2016 _
     Rescue Me is a fantastic organization! We were desperately trying to find a loving home for one-year-old Lana-Bella and quickly found her a very loving family to make her fur-ever home. The process was super-easy and Lana-Bella was adopted in less than a week from the time we posted. The Brown family came to meet her on two different occasions and we trust they will provide the most loving, perfect home for Lana. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Cathy Zajac     Date: March 5, 2016 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me! I now have another loving home to call my own. Today, I was promised lots of love, hugs and kisses. I can't wait to sleep in my new bed and play with my new sister, Spanky.

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Sender: Cortney Johnson     Date: February 13, 2016 _
     It was such a relief to meet Betsey's new family and know that she will be well cared for! Thank you, Rescue Me, so much for making that possible!

Sender: Sherry Clayton     Date: February 13, 2016 _
     Rescue Me aided in finding a home for Beau the first day. The process was simple and I felt this site was safer than listing on Craigslist or the newspaper. A wonderful couple inquired about Beau and drove four hours to meet him. That, in and of itself, eased my mind. They hit it off immediately and I knew Beau was getting a wonderful, loving, forever home. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Beagle Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Bruce Baker     Date: January 31, 2016 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me. Our beautiful little George got adopted! He loves his new family and we are so happy for him! Thank you for adopting this sweet little soul!

Sender: Mary Olivieri     Date: January 24, 2016 _
     Hello everyone... I have been looking for a dog for two years. I would look at Rescue Me every day... And finally I found Scamp. He is a dream. An amazing dog. We clicked almost immediately and the recent snow storm gave me lots of time to bond with him in this first weekend with me! I am so thankful to Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Beagle Rescue

Sender: Janice Simmon     Date: January 11, 2016 _
     After my husband's death, I needed to re-home his two beagles, as I am not home enough to provide adequate care for them. A few weeks after posting them on Rescue Me, I was contacted by a wonderful family and we set up a time for them to meet Katie and Luther. Even though they live four hours away, they were willing to make the drive, and even brought some of their grandkids with them to meet the dogs. They all got along well, and I am very excited that my much-loved fur babies now have a home where they will get the time, attention, care, and love that they deserve.

Sender: Dana Tucker     Date: December 31, 2015 _
     Dear Rescue Me, Our gratitude cannot be expressed in words, just know we are so grateful for what you have done for us and our beagle Daisey. We had several people wanting to meet her, and we chose to meet a family who was willing to drive across the state to meet Daisey. We were not at all surprised when there was an immediate love bond between that family and Daisey. It was a bittersweet time for us, but how happy and relieved we are. Thank God for His leading both families to your website. The adoptive family has sent several email pictures to assure us of her well being and pleasure in her new forever home. Eternally grateful, Wayne & Dana

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Sender: Lena Keller     Date: December 17, 2015 _
     Thank you so much for allowing me a place to post these precious puppies!! I have another litter of rescue babies that I will be posting on Rescue Me also. You have given us rescuers an avenue to post and help us find forever homes for our fosters! Thank You so much! -Lena

Sender: Michael Doherty     Date: December 9, 2015 _
     Sadie was adopted the day after she was posted on Rescue Me. Thanks, -Mike

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Beagle Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Marsia Jagerjager     Date: December 9, 2015 _
     Thanks, Rescue Me. Honey was adopted yesterday to a nice family with a Marine, retired police officer, his wife, and two young children. I hope she has a long and wonderful life.

Sender: Kelly Blahnik     Date: December 8, 2015 _
     Lexi was adopted very quickly! She went to a wonderful home with a little girl who LOVES her!!! Thank you, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Beagle Rescue

Sender: Becky Pagels     Date: December 3, 2015 _
     Thanks to Rescue Me, Mick has been adopted by a loving family with another beagle. He will be spoiled and given lots of attention. Thanks, Rescue Me!

Sender: Judy Partain     Date: November 12, 2015 _
     Bella was posted on Rescue Me, and within a few days had several calls! A family from another state to adopt her. Great ending for an owner surrender to a high kill shelter. She is now a part of a loving family and also has a four legged canine sister!

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Sender: Sergio Martinez     Date: October 28, 2015 _
     Rescue Me was referred to me by a friend, as I was fostering Rowdy for a friend who could not have her at her apartment complex. We simply couldn't find it in our hearts to just take him to a shelter, but this process allowed us to find a forever home for Rowdy that we felt totally comfortable with. His new owner was able to meet him in person before making the decision to adopt him and see him in an everyday environment with other dogs, people and kids. We were able to get to know a little about the new owner before making the decision that she was right for him as well. Thank you for creating this site, and please know that because of it a loving dog is going to a loving home.

Sender: Terry Griffin     Date: October 23, 2015 _
     Annie was a stray and was luckily taken in by a sweet family. They contacted us about her and we immediately took her in. She was very skittish and malnourished. We thought she was pregnant, but she was not. After getting her back to good health and integrating her with our own dogs, she became a completely different dog! She has a wonderful personality and loves to nap on your lap. She was adopted by a sweet family that fell in love with her just by seeing her pictures! She continues to live a fun and relaxing life with her forever family! Thank you, Rescue Me.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Beagle Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Hilary Robertson     Date: October 16, 2015 _
     Thanks to Rescue Me, we have found the perfect addition to our family. The family that posted Charlie responded quickly and was very helpful in meeting us to get our furbaby! I would definitely use this site again!

Sender: Tamara Hunt     Date: October 13, 2015 _
     He was adopted, and went to a perfect home. Thank you Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Beagle Rescue

Sender: Sharon Lewis     Date: October 5, 2015 _
     I 'rescued' Billy from the Last Chance Rescue. I went into the local Pet Smart for fish food, and the next afternoon had Billy. He was a very sweet boy, but sadly just wasn't working in our home. I had never had a beagle and didn't really comprehend that an open yard was a bad start! I have two other dogs that stay in our yard without tethers or a fence, but Billy had to be tied up to prevent him from running away. The other two dogs didn't want anything to do with poor Billy and we felt bad for him. We posted him on 'Rescue Me' and just this past Saturday sent him to his forever home!! A woman who had her last beagle for 14 years, and still mourned his passing seven years ago, took one look at Billy's picture and knew it was meant to be. She drove out, met him, talked for a bit and then headed home with him. She has since told me that he's really enjoying the fenced in yard and her other beagle that her husband had surprised her with last year. She said he is doing great, fitting in, and makes her heart happy!! It was a win all around!!!

Sender: Dee Williams     Date: September 20, 2015 _
     Thanks to Rescue Me, we have re-homed several hound dogs in need. Charley was rescued from a bad home before he was three months old now he is in a loving home several miles away. They would have never found Charley without Rescue Me.

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Beagle Rescue

Sender: Ellette Battles     Date: September 14, 2015 _
     Not only did Rescue Me make it easy to post our Beagle, Buddy, but a wonderful family contacted us quickly and offered our little guy a home. This could not have been a better experience since we had to part with a cool companion we can rest easy knowing he's one happy hound! Thank you Rescue Me and thank you to the amazing family that adopted Buddy!

Sender: Ann Foster     Date: September 9, 2015 _
     My experience with Rescue Me was really good. I got a call from a family with two rescue beagles and was interested in Harley. We decided on a weekend trial and when I took her there. She immediately got along with the other two. I couldn't ask for a better home for her. We loved Harley, but she needed more attention than we had to give. Her new home is a beagle friendly home and now she has two playmates. Thanks so much for this site! I am so happy for my dog. The best part is we can visit her anytime we would like so am looking forward to that.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Beagle Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Eliana Trujillo     Date: August 30, 2015 _
     Rescue Me is incredible! Within three days, Rocky is with a lovely couple. He will be loved and taken care of for the rest of his life. Thanks, Rescue Me!!

Sender: Geri Gonzalez     Date: August 13, 2015 _
     This website is incredible! Within one day, I was receiving requests from even out of state! The beagle fan community is amazing and I was able to bittersweetly give my beautiful Zallie to a lovely couple. Although I'll miss her tremendously, I know that she will be loved and taken care of for the rest of her life. Thanks Rescue Me!!!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Beagle Rescue

Sender: Ruby Sturcey     Date: July 23, 2015 _
     I was able to find the family of my little blind and deaf beagle! Her name is Abbie, the escape artist, and she was happily reunited! Thank you, Rescue Me, for your help.

Sender: April Kellerman     Date: July 21, 2015 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me. I hope Frosty is enjoying his new home and taking over the couch, which he loves to do! Miss you Frosty.

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Beagle Rescue

Sender: April Kellerman     Date: July 21, 2015 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me. Ajax is where there is a lot of room to run and play! I miss him so much.

Sender: Brenda Mchargue     Date: July 11, 2015 _
     This precious little guy was adopted because of Rescue Me and has gone to a great home. The family has assured me that he would be with them for the rest of his life. I found him on a busy highway on my way to work. I believe he now has a great home and a little boy to play with him.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Beagle Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Janet Mays     Date: July 6, 2015 _
     Doogie received a wonderful home with a retired woman and is now living on over an acre of property with a new sibling. He has access to a swimming pool and it was love at first sight for all involved. Thank you, Rescue Me.

Sender: Amy Hassos     Date: July 3, 2015 _
     George found a great home with a great family thanks to Rescue Me. We weren't able to keep the brothers together, but the most important thing is George will be well taken care of. Thank you, Rescue Me.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Beagle Rescue

Sender: Jennifer Lawson     Date: June 29, 2015 _
     We adopted Missy just this past Saturday. My six year old had wanted a beagle for several months. One day one showed up at our house and she followed him around everywhere he went. We put her in our fenced in back yard to keep her safe until we found her owners. However, she got out and our son was devastated. Since then, all he talked about was getting a beagle. We found Missy on Rescue Me and immediately fell in love with her sweet face. Dee at the Hound Pound made our adoption experience amazing! She put up with my endless questions and even offered to meet us half way so that we wouldn't have to drive so far. Missy is a great dog! She follows my son around everywhere he goes. She is his new best friend. She makes us laugh on a daily basis and has brought so much joy to our entire family. I will never buy a puppy again from a breeder. Rescue dogs are so wonderful and have so much love to give. I couldn't image our lives now without Missy!

Sender: Brian Tapp     Date: June 21, 2015 _
     Daisy and I adopted each other, however, I did not rescue her she rescued me. I, like so many others live alone and don't get out much, Daisy has made up her mind to change that from walks (runs more than walks) in the park to laying in my lap to watch a movie. I believe everyone needs a beagle, no dog better. They will make sure your loved and make sure you get out and exercise too. So, thank you Daisy for rescuing me and that Beagle Rescue Me for introducing us. It is great to have a resource like this. You are truly a blessing as much as Daisy is to me.

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Beagle Rescue

Sender: Tracy Ernest     Date: June 8, 2015 _
     Rescue Me was a great help in finding Mya and Mandy a new home, due to relocating to a place that has a no pet policy. As bittersweet as it was, this site made it easy to find a good match for them. And I am happy to know they are in a good home with someone who will love them as much as I did.

Sender: Linda Miller     Date: June 3, 2015 _
     I would like to let you know that Dumbledore, a courtesy listing on the website of the Pet Adoption League, has found his new home. His past owner said that most of the inquiries about him came through the Rescue Me site - thank you so much for this wonderful website!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Beagle Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Bill Dutey     Date: May 31, 2015 _
     Rescue Me was a wonderful help getting our puppy adopted. Unfortunately, we had a litter that was unplanned, but Rescue Me helped us find good homes for all six puppies. Thank you so wonderful site!

Sender: Sarah R     Date: May 24, 2015 _
     It was bittersweet finding a home for Tonks. She was only with us a short time, but as they say, in your home for an hour and in your heart forever. In any case, when we realized her energy was too much for our schedule, and her teething was too much for my younger sister (nonverbal autistic, and unable to tell Tonks, her hands were off limits), we knew it was best to find a new home for this sweet girl. She had the most wonderful disposition when she was not putting on what we called her 'princess act,' i.e., not being the center of attention. She brought so much life and love into our home. The new owners, specifically the woman who insisted on adopting her, was the human embodiment of Tonks in energy and enthusiasm. While it was sad to see her go, we were so happy to have the help of Rescue Me. Knowing she is happy and healthy is all that is important to us!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Beagle Rescue

Sender: Richard Wroblewski     Date: May 11, 2015 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me. We found him a good home with some other dogs and place he can run. We are all sad and my five year has been in tears but at least I know he will be going to a good home.

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